Readonly property holding the FD owned by this object. Don't store this value elsewhere, query it from here every time to make sure it's valid.
Throws if close()
was successfully called.
Flags specified on map creation, see [[MapFlags]]
Map ID (since Linux 4.13)
For offloading, ifindex of network device the map was created on (reported since Linux 4.16)
Size of every key, in bytes
Maximum amount of entries: the meaning of this is type-dependent
Map name (might get truncated if longer than [[OBJ_NAME_LEN]]) (since Linux 4.15)
Map type. This decides the available operations and their semantics.
Size of every value, in bytes
Closes the FD early. Instances don't necessarily support this operation (and will throw in that case), but all instances returned by this module do.
If supported, calling it a second time does nothing.
Generated using TypeDoc
Program to which this module belongs